This chapter provides tips for effective online teaching through best practices for engaging with students as the instructor as well as how to encourage students to engage with the content and with each other.
Instructor Presence (KB): An important component of any online course is instructor presence. Creating a sense of instructor presence has been shown to encourage increased student engagement.
Creating a Community of Learners (KB): Online courses are comprised of a mix of ages, socio-economic status, ethnicity, English proficiency, sexual or gender identity, ability, and geographic location. Students will be more successful if they feel that they are in a safe, welcoming space where they are appreciated as individuals.
Facilitating Discussions (KB): Research shows that students get the most out of a course when they engage with the instructor, other students, the content, and themselves through reflection. Students will respond more if they know that someone is actively reading and responding to their posts.
Providing Good Feedback (KB): Providing students with meaningful feedback helps them to not only understand the content better but to understand their own thinking and learning processes as well. Meaningful feedback greatly enhances learning and improves student achievement.