HomeTN eCampus AdministrationMaestro Training and InformationExporting Reports (Campus Administrators)

3.3. Exporting Reports (Campus Administrators)

  1. If you need to do more than simply view a report, there is additional reporting power available to you on the Reports tab of the Maestro homepage. Select the Reports tab to open the Reports page.

  2. The buttons indicated in the screenshot below activate the report from the list presented on the reports page.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: When seeking course requests/enrollments, you will likely be using reports #52 and #37. However, these are CUSTOM reports and must be accessed through the CUSTOM tab in the left nav bar on the REPORTS screen. If you search #52 in the MAESTRO reports screen, you will see a “Gender report” appear. There is an important distinction between “Maestro reports” and “Custom reports” and they may share the same number. The course request/enrollment report you seek is in the “Custom reports” interface, however, NOT “Maestro reports.”

  3. The fields across the top of the report list are search fields. You can type information into the field and hit RETURN or ENTER, and only the reports fitting that criteria appear. This is a great way to find information quickly, but you will need to know which report number you are seeking, or the name of the report.

  4. You will likely search most often by report number as it is the most specific search criteria. To find report #205, just type 205 into the search field and hit ENTER or RETURN. You will primarily be using reports #204 and #205.

  5. Once you see the report you want, you can simply click the REPORT button to activate.

  6. There is a row of EXPORT buttons on the lower right screen. The first export button will be the most commonly used. It exports your report as a comma delimited Excel file with very raw, unformatted data. This allows you maximum ability to filter, format, print, or otherwise manipulate the data to your specific requirements.

  7. There is a row of navigational buttons in the center bottom of the report screen. It allows you to paginate through the report as well as provide a button to return to the report list.

  8. When you click the export button, a file will download to your browser’s respective download folder. When you open it, it will look like the screenshot above of a comma delimited raw data file which can now be customized with Excel’s filtering, formatting, and printing features.

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