Home → TN eCampus Faculty → Instructor Support and Information → Virtual Tutoring
Tutoring establishes a welcoming environment that engages and empowers students where they are. Tutors will not give answers to problems or do the work, but they will help students become independent learners. Tutoring Overview (new window)
From any TN eCampus page, choose the Virtual Tutoring link from Course Resources widget on the right side of the page. Nettutor is the current vendor for virtual tutoring. This can change from one year to the next. Referencing virtual tutoring is preferred over specific brands since they can change. Opening the Virtual Tutoring link accesses a single sign-on. Students do not need a username or password to access tutoring.
There are 4 primary paths to service and support for virtual tutoring.
Watch a brief video to see these features in action. Students also have access to a step-by-step tutorial (new window) here in the Knowledge Books.