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6.3. Course Email System

Course Email System

D2L provides a means of communication by email within the course, but this is a closed email system. That means students and teachers cannot send messages to or from external sites, such as Yahoo, Gmail or Outlook. Students and teachers are encouraged to communicate within the course structure to streamline response and follow up needs.

Message to Classlist

Messages can easily be sent to individuals or the entire classlist. See this information in the Classlist same frame Knowledge page.

This is the preferred method for emailing instructors.

Email Inside the Course

A direct link to your Brightspace (D2L) email is provided at the top of your course homepage located on the minibar. Select the Email link from the drop-down menu that is displayed.

Email icon selected on the minibar opens a menu with another email icon linking to the page. 

Use the compose button to start a new message or select message to read from the list.

Compose and sample message highlighted.

Email Settings

Choose Settings on your email landing page to select a variety of options. All of the options are checked by default but easily customized. It is highly recommended that students keep the first two options checked. This provides a record of prior replies and messages sent. These saved messages can be a handy reference for instructions and communication. The other options are more of a preference.

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