TN eCampus Students

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4.6. Assignments


Locate Assignments

Assignments are accessible in two locations. Either choose Assignments from the NavBar or follow the links available in the course modules. It is a good idea to check the Assignments listed on the landing page to keep a mental note of upcoming assignments as well as a double-check of the list in each module (in the table of contents). Students are less likely to miss a due date by cross-referencing.

In this example, there is a current and closed assignment. Instructors may set Assignments to be available and visible or they may specific Start and End Dates and choose when to make them visible. Be sure to check the far right column for the Due Date and time on the assignment. Assignments are spread across the semester to distribute the pace of the course. Make a mental note of upcoming activities to be prepared and plan accordingly.

Assignments snapshot starting from the Assignments tab on the navbar.

Each assignment page will show when an assignment should be submitted. Grades or scores as they are posted are visible in this location. If there is a dash in the Score column, the assignment has not been graded. Students should contact the instructor regarding grade questions or missed deadlines.

Submit an Assignment

Select the blue link for a current or active assignment on the Assignments page. Instructions about the assignment will be given on the submission page. Some instructors may provide this in the modules. However, be sure to read any instructions provided on the Assignments page as well. Instructors sometimes mention "Submitting an Assignment to the Dropbox." This is referring to the submission to Assignments inside Brightspace (not the Dropbox app).

New submission highlighting Instructions, Start Date and End Date

Students may choose to select Add a File or in some courses, students may be allowed to Record Audio.

Add a File and Record Audio highlighted. Arrow point to expanded window for My Computer and ePortfolios are possible paths to select files.


The Upload page will open. Either upload from a folder or use the drag/drop method to the Upload button/area. Choose Add once the file is selected. Word and PDF files are typical. If the file type is not correct, there will be a red X. Choose the correct type. A message may be added for the instructor as well. Choose Submit when finished.

Upload and Add highlighted. Submit highlighted as last step.

Expect to receive an email confirmation (via your D2L email, NOT school/personal email) with a successful submission. To double-check, go to the Assignment page and view the Submission column for the file. 

Watch a brief video from D2L on this process if you prefer.


Turnitin has a variety of resources for students and instructors. If your assignment has this resource enabled you may receive feedback and the opportunity to review a Similarity Report that compares your work and other written resources. This can be a valuable resource to help students write better.

Video Note

You can also submit video recordings directly in Brightspace by using Video Note to record and auto caption your submission. Watch this tutorial for more information.

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