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6.43. Grant Special Access

Special Access to Assignments

Special access allows the instructor to set different parameters for individual students without affecting those set for the class as a whole. This tool can be used to extend the deadline on a quiz or assignment and may be used to provide ADA accommodations such as extended testing time.

Steps to Adjust Access

To grant special access to an assignment, navigate to Assignments on the NavBar, and select Edit Submission Folder from the context menu of the appropriate assignment.

Assignments highlighted on the navbar. Assignment folder context menu expanded to highlight Edit Submission Folder.

From the Edit Folder page select Restrictions.

Find the Special Access options. Make sure the Allow users with special access to submit files outside the normal availability dates for this folder option is selected. Select Add Users to Special Access.

Restrictions tab is highlighted.  Special access options with the allow users with special access to submit files outside the normal availability dates for this folder option selected an the add users to special access button highlighted.

Under Availability, check the date in the Has End Date field and add any needed extra time.

Under Users, locate the student that requires an extension of the date and mark the checkbox next to the student's name. There is a search box if there is a long list. Select Save to finish.

Date availability options for special access with the Has End Date options highlighted. Users list with a student selected and the Save button highlighted.

The page will return to the Restrictions tab. Scroll to the bottom of the page to see the student granted special access is listed below the Special Access options. Select Save and Close to finish.

Save and Close button highlighted.

Special Access to a Quiz

Navigate to the Quizzes list from the navbar. Manage Quizzes will open with the list of quizzes. Choose the menu of the appropriate quiz and select Edit.

Manage Quizzes highlighted. Quiz context menu expanded to display Edit.

Select Restrictions to set up special access and additional quiz attempts.

From Special Access the default choice is Allow selected users special access to this quiz. (The other option is not recommended.) Select Add Users to Special Access to add special access.

Restrictions tab highlighted.Radio button for  Allow selected users special access to this quiz and the button for Add Users to Special Access are also highlighted.

Set the Date Availability to grant an extension.

Date availability options for special access highlighted..

If a student requires additional time to complete a quiz, mark the Assign a special time limit checkbox and enter the minutes in the Time Limit textbox. Enter the Grace Period and Late Submissions options, if applicable.

*Please note, any options not set in the Special Access properties will assume the settings previously applied to the quiz.

Attempts Allowed can be checked and values set if additional attempts are needed. Under the Users section, select the checkbox next to the student needing special access. Then, select Add Special Access to continue.

Access options for granting additional time or quiz attempts for a student.  Users list with the student selected and the Add Special Access button highlighted.

The Special Access Properties page will close and return to the Restrictions tab of the quiz. Scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see the student granted special access listed under the Advanced Availability options and the access information.

Select Save and Close to finish.

Updated Special Access info highlighted on the Restrictions tab. Save and Close highlighted.

This video covers restrictions and special access for assignments.

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