HomeTN eCampus FacultyBrightspace LMS ToolsAlly and Students

6.14. Ally and Students

Ally and Students

TN eCampus has added Blackboard Ally to your courses to support instructors and students. Ally works seamlessly in Brightspace and automatically checks for gaps in accessibility compliance, but it doesn't stop there. Students may choose accessible Alternative Formats such as:

Everyone Likes Choices

Ally is a support to all students that need choices to access course content on the go, regardless of disabilities. Choosing the Alternative Formats icon is the first step to making content easier to access and more compliant.


Sample course file list. Each has Alternative Format icon highlighted.

This list of choices depends on the original file type. Students may choose an alternative file type from the options presented. See the example list of alternatives for a text file. Choosing an alternative format does not change the original content of the course. Students may view the original content or try another format anytime.

Alternative file window lists Tagged PDF, HTML, ePub, Electronic braille, Audio, and Beeline Reader.

Share with Students

This resource creates more accessible and more useful content for students of all abilities. Please share Ally information with students to increase their awareness of these new features in Brightspace. Students have tutorial information in the TN eCampus Knowledge Books (new window). You may also share a brief video, Blackboard Ally for Students (new window).



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