Home → TN eCampus Administration → Maestro Training and Information → Maestro Reports Quick Reference
Reports commonly used by Campus Administrators
This report displays the cumulative total enrollments received from each institution since Summer 2015. This information is broken down further to display the total active, dropped, and completed enrollments.
This report provides a log of applications to the TN eCampus MSN program. Information includes the prospective student's contact information and the status of the application.
This report logs the submission confirmation email that is sent to MSN applicants.
This report is for FTE demonstration
This report displays all active sections for the current semester. This is the same report that is accessed via the "Total Enrollments All Institutions" button on the Maestro dashboard.
This report provides FTE information on all terms for universities.
This report provides FTE information on all terms for community colleges.
This report displays all faculty, their home institution and indicates the type of certification contained in Maestro as well as the issuer.
This report is used to report enrollment numbers during ADD mode when TN eCampus is receiving enrollments for the upcoming semester. This report can be accessed from the Maestro dashboard via the "Total Course Requests for All Institutions" button.
This report provides classlists during ADD mode when TN eCampus is receiving enrollments for the upcoming semester. This report is linked to custom report 36 which provides a formatted report that allows filtering and viewing the report as standard class lists. Please note that this report is only available during ADD mode.
This report provides class lists during CHANGE mode. This report is the report that will be most frequently used to pull class list with student contact information for the current semester.
This report is the Total Enrollments Report you can access from the Maestro homepage once we convert from course requests to enrollments.
This report displays detailed information on all sections for the current semester
This report provides contact information for students who have not taken the student participation survey in one or more courses and is used by the Student Success Coaches to contact students to increase retention.
This is the report that is linked on the Maestro homepage to view enrollment numbers for the upcoming semester. Please note that once we begin processing enrollment files for the upcoming semester, this report will be linked on the Maestro homepage. This report contains the following information:
This report provides a list of the Active Campus Administrators and Certification Evaluators.
This report displays all students who are or have been enrolled in a TN eCampus course for all terms and the sections they are/were enrolled in. This report is especially helpful when you need to determine the instructor or delivery institution for a grade appeal or student complaint. If the student who you are seeking information on dropped the course in question, please pull report 290 — Student Enrollment Details for All Terms with Delivery and Home Institution.
This report provides information on all students with duplicate usernames whether they are enrolled in the current semester or not. If you wish to retrieve a list of only those students enrolled in the current semester with duplicate usernames, please pull report 251 — Duplicate Usernames for Current Term.
This report provides contact information for faculty who are currently teaching.
This report is the same as the Total Enrollments report that Campus Administrators use to view enrollment numbers each semester but is expanded to provide this information for all semesters.
This report displays the total number of enrollments for each course for all terms. Note: This report does not display sectional enrollment numbers.
This report provides a full list of students who are or have been enrolled in TN eCampus courses, along with the specific section, external email address, home institution, current enrollment status per course, and the drop date if applicable. This report includes all semesters since Fall 2015.
This report provides information on nursing faculty sectional assignments, degree and credentialing information as well as assigned sections, delivery institution, and enrollment numbers by section.