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6.46. Release Conditions

Release Conditions

Release conditions can be set on discussion topics, quizzes, assignments, and even content modules. Release conditions allow you to create a custom learning path through the materials in your course. When you attach a release condition to an item, users cannot see that item until they meet the associated condition.

Examples of Using Release Conditions


Additional Resource from D2L

(This is the most current video. Some of the menus have been renamed but the functionality of restrictions may still be helpful.)

Add Restrictions to an Assignment

Select Edit Submission Folder from the menu of the assignment.

Module 2 Assignment context menu expanded to Edit Assignment.

Select the Availability Dates and Conditions pane. Choose the Due Date if the assignment should be displayed in the course calendar but not accessed until it is time. Select the appropriate Start and End Dates for the assignment to open and close. Choose Add Release Conditions. Release Conditions by choosing Create New or Add Existing.

Release Conditions highlighted from the Availability Dates and Conditions window.

Choose the Condition Type and Condition Details.

*Remember: you can create multiple conditions and details can have negative or positive actions from the student. Plan very carefully how you setup conditions and deploy complex actions. 

Choose Save and Close when you are finished. Toggle Hidden when you are ready to reveal.

Save and Close


Add Restrictions to a Discussion

Restrictions include Release Conditions and Group and Section Restrictions. Release conditions can be set on a variety of tools, including discussion topics. The release conditions allow specific actions a student must take prior to the discussion topic before the next discussion becomes viewable or actionable. When Group and Section Restrictions are enabled, only members of the specified groups or sections will have access to this topic.

Restrictions tab highlighted. Segment topics, Release Conditions and Group and Section Restriction highlighted on the page.


Release conditions may be applied toward awards, checklists, class lists, competencies, content, discussions, assignments, grades, quizzes, and surveys. Each has other variables to provide specific circumstances to release portions of the course to students. In the next example, a discussion cannot be accessed until the student scores 100% on a quiz.

Score on a Quiz, Select Quiz, and Sample Quiz highlighted. Arrow points to Create a New Release Condition page expanded. Criteria menu expanded to show symbol choices that include: <=, <, >=, >, =, Between, != and Not Between. Create highlighted.


All conditions must be met is the default choice, but if more than one condition is applied Any condition must be met could be selected if appropriate.

All conditions must be met highlighted in the menu.


Groups and Sections may also be restricted. Check the box and add groups or sections as needed. Choose Save to continue.

Checkbox for Restrict this topic to the following group and section and Add Groups and Section are highlighted. Save button highlighted.

Add Restrictions to a Quiz

Select Quizzes from the navbar and choose a quiz.

Quizzes highlighted from the NavBar to a sample.

Choose Add Release Conditions. Release Conditions by choosing Create New or Add Existing.

Release Conditions highlighted from the Availability Dates and Conditions window.


Either choose an existing release condition or choose Create and Attach to start a new condition. A window will open. Use the Condition Type menu to choose the appropriate condition. This example uses Visited content topic. Then choose the appropriate content from the Topic menu. Choose Create to add the condition.


Condition Type, Topic menus and Create button highlighted.


If necessary, select Expand optional advanced restrictions. If the exam will require a proctor, enter a password for the quiz in Password. Time limits must be specified in minutes. Enter the Time Limit. To use the Exceeded Time Limit Behavior options, select Prevent the student from making further changes. The Grace Period is time in addition to the time limit the student will be allowed before the Exceeded Time Limit Behavior options take effect.

Exceeded Time Limit Behavior options:

*Please note, the instructor does have the ability to manually grade the quiz to change the zero.

*Please note, the auto-submit attempt does not automatically submit the quiz. This option prevents the student from making any further changes and may require the instructor to submit the attempt.

Password textbox highlighted.  Timing options with the time limit and grace period textboxes and the enforced checkbox highlighted.    Exceeded Time Limit Behaviour  with Prevent highlighted.


Customize grading from the Assessment tab. Grades may be provided instantly by checking Allow attempt to be set as graded immediately up completion. Add a Grade Item by selecting from the menu or use [add a grade item]. To populate grades automatically in the grade book check Allow automatic export to grades.

Assessment tab highlighted. Checkboxes selected for Automatic Grades and Auto Export to Grades.


Students may have multiple attempts to complete a quiz. Set the number in Attempts Allowed and choose Apply. The Overall Grade Calculation can be determined by highest, lowest, average, first, or last attempt. In this example, this quiz has two attempts and the highest grade will be used for the grade book.

Advanced Attempt Conditions are optional and will not apply if left blank.

Choose Save and Close to complete the choices.

The Attempts section has Attempts Allowed, Overall Grade Calculation and Min% and Max% along with Save and Close highlighted.

Special Access

Special Access options are used to Allow selected users special access to a quiz. Select the radio button and then Add Users to Special Access.

*Please note, it is strongly discouraged to select Allow only users with special access to see this quiz because this option will lock ALL students out of the quiz except those specifically selected.

Allow only users with special access to see this quiz and Add Users to Special Access highlighted.


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