HomeTN eCampus FacultyWorking with the TN eCampus TeamEscalate Student-Success Concerns

2.3. Escalate Student-Success Concerns

Report It Now

In an effort to better equip faculty and support students, TN eCampus has implemented an easy way for instructors to escalate student-success concerns.

Research indicates that early alert systems can be a key component of successful student-retention strategies and can be particularly effective when used to connect at-risk students to vital support resources.  Additionally, best practice suggests that student engagement problems tend to persist without some form of intervention.

Monitor Class Progress

Class Progress (Brightspace tool) is a valuable resource to monitor early login activity, low activity after the course starts, and failing grades that may also follow declining course activity. As the course instructor, you will want to monitor and respond to these and other flags of concern before things spiral.

Snapshot of student activity with a mix of login dates, frequency, and time spent in comparison with strong to poor grades. Low activity correlates to low grades. 

Steps You Can Take Now

After discovering concerns reach, out to students to help get them on track as you normally would do. If the student(s) don't respond or don't "course correct", reach out to TN eCampus to alert us of student engagement and performance problems as soon as they arise-- via the Report It Now button, located on each course home page.

Sample course page with the Report It Now button highlighted..

Clicking the Report It Now button will provide feedback for students who are either not actively engaging OR who may be performing at an “at-risk” level. Your escalation will notify both TN eCampus Student Success staff and the student's home campus.

Complete the Form

Starting Summer 2024: For those who previously filed an alert, when the form opens, you may notice it looks different from previous versions. This update is part of our effort to create a more dynamic form that allows us to better intervene in at-risk student situations. 

1. Click the Report it Now button. A form will open.

2. Enter your name, external email address, and course code (including section number). For your convenience, the course code will automatically populate as you type it in.  

3. Fill in the Student Information details. 

4. Choose the Reason for the Early Alert from the dropdown menu. 

5. Add any additional details in the final two text fields. These fields are not required but allow you the opportunity to provide context. 

6. Once the form is complete, you can add an extra Early Alert for a different student by clicking Add Another Student or file the single Early Alert by clicking Submit

Early Alert Systems in Higher Education (Hanover Research) 


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